Creating rituals for the body, mind and spirit is the perfect way to do this. By creating and practicing rituals just for you is you telling yourself on a deeper level that you are deserving, worthy and beautiful. How do you do this you may ask? By simply making time for yourself to connect with the body. The body can act as a sensor and through touch and nurturing yourself this then can have a flow on effect to the mind through the heart. You know that feeling…..that feeling of immense gratitude and love. There's nothing like it. It can be fleeting, however by finding ways to connect with your heartspace these rituals can be used as tools. Through the body is just one of many ways. As our ethos is about giving women a clean alternative to natural looking makeup and encouraging them to embrace their inner beauty and be content in their own skin. We thought this is the perfect opportunity to share some beautiful rituals with you, ones that we here at Perle Co also practice. We love connecting with you ladies if only on an energetic level. We hope you enjoy and resonate with some or all of these and give yourself the love you truly deserve. 

PS: They also feel amazing and of course will give you that “GLOW”.



Don't underestimate the benefits of a good scrub. Such a great way to cleanse, by sloughing away dead skin cells can be so invigorating, stimulating blood flow leaving your skin feeling refreshed and alive ready to take in some moisture. Which leads us to talk about the benefits of massage. Finish your scrub by massaging in some luxurious body oil. Not only will it increase your level of relaxation and emotional wellbeing it can hydrate, nourish, regenerate leaving your skin silky smooth leaving you with a glow that you can see and feel.



Exfoliating and hydrating on a regular basis is a wonderful way to lighten, and brighten the skin. Exfoliating assists with the natural shedding process our skin does which also slows down as we age so it's important to give it some love and help it along a bit. Exfoliation not only stimulates new cells to grow, it removes any build up which may clog your pores. The other main thing it does is allow for proper penetration of your serums, oils and moisturisers. This all leads to bringing through your radiant complexion underneath and of course ‘that’ glow. 



Face massage firms and lifts the muscles on the face which stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow this all leads to rejuvenation and anti ageing and also gives you that glow. 

Step 1 - Apply your Liquid sunshine all over your face and neck. 

Step 2 - With the back of your hands gently push up along your neck.

Step 3 - With your thumb resting on your jawline use your pointer finger to gently push back along your jawline to your ears. 

Step 4 - Then do the same from the sides of your nose to your ears. 

Step 5 - Starting from the bridge of your nose, run your pointer and middle fingers along the length of the brow to the temple. 

Step 6 - From the bridge of your nose run your pointer and middle fingers underneath the eye to the temples. 

Step 7 - Using all four fingers alternating hands gently push in upward movements towards the hairline working your way around to the temples. 

Step 8 - Finish off with a bit of free flow massage and don't forget to close your eyes, inhale and smile. 

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