Our intention at Perle Co is to help all you beautiful people embrace and honour you and the skin you are in.

Ok ladies - let's have an honest conversation about skin or more importantly, the skin we are in and what we desire for our own skin on an individual level. What are we really after or maybe a better question is - What are we truly inspired to do when we become clear on what we are really wanting to achieve?


You, like us and most ladies we speak to, all seem to want the same thing. That is simply healthy, glowing, plump, hydrated looking skin that is balanced and smooth. The way of getting there though, is a different road for all of us. Gone are the days when we simply cover up,  we are more savvy than that now. We now know to get the best out of our skin we have to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, moisturise while being aware of what we put in/on and what we put out - physically, emotionally and energetically.


We are all unique and need different things at different times due to weather, lifestyle, hormones… and just life really!  Maintaining that equilibrium can be a balancing act at times. The main thing to remember is that we, as humans, are ever changing and it's more important to “feel into '' what's needed at the time as opposed to just doing whatever is on trend. It's important to do what feels right for you and support your skin the best way suited to you. We want to help you with the how so you can get the best out of your skin and embrace who you are while feeling damn good about it.  Today we wanted to discuss going the extra mile -  discussing things not normally discussed in the natural skin care circles and taking the secrecy out of it.

Read on for information about the ways we can invest in, support and honour our skin while nurturing ourselves in the process. 

At the end of the day, we live in our own unique skin, and inherently know what's best for us and which direction to head in.

We firstly encourage you to invest in products and services that are effective yet nurturing. We believe the right skin care for you is invaluable, and we’ve chosen to invest in our own skin. We have researched and tried these options and wanted to share our experiences and knowledge with any of you wondering and unsure where to start. 

BBL -  Broadband Light Therapy.   We love this treatment. If you find that you have pigmentation, uneven texture and tone, fine lines, enlarged pores and redness, this non-invasive light based treatment is a great all rounder for skin rejuvenation and is a wonderful anti-aging treatment.  It feels like little zaps on your skin however it's over before you know it. Generally three treatments are recommended to start however your therapist will guide you after a thorough consultation. 

CHEMICAL PEELS - Chemical peels are used to remove damaged skin cells, revealing healthier skin underneath. wrinkles and fine lines and uneven skin tone. They can also treat sun damage, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, scars and melasma. There are different types of peels: light, medium, and deep. Light chemical peels do not require much down time. Medium and deep chemical peels can require two to three weeks of recovery time.The procedures can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. Once again consult with your therapist to decide which if any are right for you. 

MICRO-NEEDLING - Micro-needling is a skin rejuvenation procedure that uses tiny, sharp needles to create small holes, called micro-channels, in your skin. These micro-injuries trigger your skin’s natural healing process, leading to the production of collagen and improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

There are two types of needling.  Cosmetic needling which you can do at home and generally uses needles on a roller that are .5mm or less and works on the upper layers on the skin, we find this really helps with the penetration of your products as well. This is a simple easy process that can be done a few times a week and only takes minutes. 

Then of course there is medical needling. This type of needling uses longer needles and reaches the deeper layers of the skin which can target scarring and really up the ante. This treatment must be performed by a physician or trained skincare professional. 

ACTIVES - Actives are Ingredients that work to repair, rejuvenate, hydrate, protect and nourish cells and have been scientifically proven to change the structure of your skin at a cellular level. Some of our faves are Vitamins A,B, C and of course there is the Hyaluronic Acid great for plumping and hydrating. We choose to incorporate these delicious vitamins into our everyday routines. 



INJECTABLES -  Yes we are talking about Fillers and Botox. If you choose to go down this path we always recommend doing your research and having a consultation with a clinician that has a thorough understanding of anatomy and a good eye for facial balance and harmony.  Read reviews, check out their before and after photos and speak to those who you know have had these procedures. From there you are more inclined to choose somewhere that feels right for you. This treatment can be done as a preventative and/or will address those fine lines and wrinkles that have come from life. These  injectables can certainly address those concerns and of course leave you looking and feeling fresh. So if this helps you to achieve that then we say embrace it. 

Before embarking on this journey, always consult with a professional prior to any treatment to ensure it is right for you and your skin and know that you are beautiful and loved no matter what. 

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